The Canadian Honey Council (CHC) is the national organization of the beekeeping industry.  It is a not for profit organization, established in 1940 and incorporated in 1950.

The Canadian Honey Council is the national association of beekeepers representing apiculturists across Canada. The CHC provides a forum where producers, packers, professionals, provincial associations and officials from different levels of government can talk and recommend action in the best interests of the Canadian honey bee industry.  Currently, the CHC membership consists of representatives of provincial associations with the total number of beekeepers at approximately 13,000 managing over 810,000 colonies.




AgriWorkforce Newsfeed /Fil d’actualité sur la main-d’œuvre agricole – July 17, 2024

July 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council

Monthly Honey Trade – 2024 May

Honey Bee Imports, 2024 Trade Stats to end of May

July 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council

CAPA preliminary report on Colony winter losses – 2024 

July 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council


Hivelights Summer 2024


Hivelights Summer 2024



Hivelights is the national magazine of the Canadian Honey Council. It is published four times a year and is mailed to all the members of our provincial associations. The magazine features articles by honey bee specialists and beekeepers and provides current information on the Canadian honey bee industry.


View HIVELIGHTS Newsletter Archive

Information sharing for agriculture and agri-food sector representatives – July 5, 2024 / Partage d’informations pour les représentants du secteur agricole et agroalimentaire – le 5 juillet 2024

July 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council

Phipps Honey Market Report June

July 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council

Apimondia Newsletter – July 2024 issue

July 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council

Information sharing for agriculture and agri-food sector representatives – June 14, 2024 / Partage d’informations pour les représentants du secteur agricole et agroalimentaire – le 14 juin 2024

June 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council

Funding Announcement: CAHRC and AAFC Join Forces to Empower Women in Canadian Agriculture/Annonce de financement : Le CCRHA et AAC unissent leurs forces afin de renforcer l’autonomie des femmes dans l’agriculture canadienne

June 2024

News – Canadian Honey Council

TFW Program – Extension of the temporary measure on advertisement for occupations in primary agriculture/Programme des TET – Prolongation de la mesure temporaire concernant la publicité pour les postes de l’agriculture primaire 

June 2024

Temporary Foreign Workers – Canadian Honey Council

News – Canadian Honey Council


Canadian Honey Council proudly promotes and represents our industry at FHA – Singapore

Meet the largest gathering of leading food and beverage manufacturers and emerging brands in a single platform. Includes a line-up of leading global suppliers and industry professionals.


Honey Council Classified Ads

Looking for a job?
Trying to find some supplies of equipment?
Browse our classifieds.


CHC Learning – Online Training for Apiary Workers / Formation en Ligne Pour Les Ouvriers en Apiculture

This comprehensive course has been developed for Apiary workers. It is based on real-world best practices used on farms across Canada. This simple, practical training package ensures that even the busiest farms can successfully train their workers quickly and with no down-time.

This course was developed in consultation with Apiary Producers and industry experts across Canada. The training is based on National Occupational Standards, which are national employee benchmarks that define the knowledge and behaviours required for job success.

Online Training for Apiary Workers / Formation en Ligne Pour Les Ouvriers en Apiculture – Canadian Honey Council

Online Training for Apiary Workers – Canadian Honey Council (chclearning.ca)

Canadian Bee Research Fund

AS Atwal Graduate Scholarship in Bee Research ($5000)

Save Our Bees 


For more information please visit:  https://honeycouncil.ca/industry-overview/canadian-bee-research-fund/