Honey Council Classified Ads
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Ad Rates: $9.99 for 30 days or $50.00 for 12 months.
When you post an classified Ad, send your payment by e-transfer to bunkertobunkerbooks@yahoo.com
OR send a cheque by mail to:
Geoff Todd
Bunker to Bunker Books
Box 914, Station T
Calgary, AB T2H 2H4
Trying to find some supplies of equipment?
Browse our classifieds.
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Looking to sell or trade some equipment?
Post a classified Ad.
Ad Rates: $9.99 for 30 days or $50.00 for 12 months.
When you post an classified Ad, send your payment by e-transfer to bunkertobunkerbooks@yahoo.com
OR send a cheque by mail to:
Geoff Todd
Bunker to Bunker Books
Box 914, Station T
Calgary, AB T2H 2H4
Varroa Controller - a chemical-free way to treat for Varroa mites
Varroa Controller is a cutting-edge way to treat for Varroa mites naturally. This chemical-free method is becoming popular in Europe and Australia,
Total views: 4
Total views: 4
Help Wanted - TEES BEES INC. (Alberta) 2025
TEES BEES INC. requires:
Three APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 84120) with a minimum of 2-3 years (seasons) experience working on a Canadian style commercial apiary in the min.
Total views: 414
Total views: 414
Beekeeping Advisor for Busy Retail Store
We are seeking a passionate person to join our retail team as a beekeeping advisor. If you have a love for honeybees,
Total views: 32
Price: $ 50.00
Total views: 32
Price: $ 50.00
2025 Honey Bees For Sale - 5 & 10 frame Nucs, and Brood Frames
Come out to my farm and learn about bees.
We have "Survivor Stock" nucs available for sale with 2024 Queens and 2025 Queens
We will be doing free local pickups along I-5 in the early part of April .
Total views: 23
Price: $ 200.00
Total views: 23
Price: $ 200.00
Quality Bee Feed
Viewcrest Farms Canada is an importer of quality bee feed products. We currently have 2 products available:
Royal Care Nutri Pollen
Nutri Pollen is fondant enriched with pollen and contains protein,
Total views: 10
Total views: 10
5 Frame Manitoba Honey Bee Nucs
Westman Honey Bee Producer Nucs include:
A jester EZ Nuc with 5 standard frames.
An established and laying queen with bees to cover brood.
Total views: 61
Price: $ 325.00
Total views: 61
Price: $ 325.00
2" FloTech Honey Pump & motor.
2 inch FloTech honey pump with motor. $2500.00 OBO. Pictures available upon request.
Total views: 29
Total views: 29
Busy Bee Apiaries Ltd. is offering for sale:
Busy Bee Apiaries Ltd. is offering for sale:
5 frame nucs: 3 brood, 1 feed, 1 empty frame:
Strong singles : $550.00
To reserve your order,
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Total views: 26
Apiary Worker
Salary: $17.44/ Hour for 35 to 60 Hours / Week
Vacancies: 3
Terms of employment: Seasonal, Full time
Start date: 2025-04-25
Job requirements:
Languages - English
Education - No degree,
Total views: 85
Price: $ 9.99
Total views: 85
Price: $ 9.99
Help Wanted: Parkland County, AB
TPLR Honey Farms Ltd. requires four Apiary Technicians $17.98-19.00/hr, five Apiary Workers $17.98-18.25/hr needed full time (45+ hours/week) April-October 2025. Four Apiary Workers,
Total views: 418
Total views: 418