Honey Council Classified Ads
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Ad Rates: $9.99 for 30 days or $50.00 for 12 months.
When you post an classified Ad, send your payment by e-transfer to bunkertobunkerbooks@yahoo.com
OR send a cheque by mail to:
Geoff Todd
Bunker to Bunker Books
Box 914, Station T
Calgary, AB T2H 2H4
Trying to find some supplies of equipment?
Browse our classifieds.
Have a job to advertise?
Looking to sell or trade some equipment?
Post a classified Ad.
Ad Rates: $9.99 for 30 days or $50.00 for 12 months.
When you post an classified Ad, send your payment by e-transfer to bunkertobunkerbooks@yahoo.com
OR send a cheque by mail to:
Geoff Todd
Bunker to Bunker Books
Box 914, Station T
Calgary, AB T2H 2H4
Apiary Technicians and Workers wanted
(7 months)
6 seasonal positions available from March 21 - October 21 (2025).
Reporting to work at B.
Total views: 79
Total views: 79
Help Wanted for 2025 season: Nipawin, (SK)
Help Wanted: Nipawin, (SK)
Yves Garez Honey Inc, P.O Box 2016, Nipawin, SK, S0E 1E0 seeks employees for the March 2025 to October 2025 season at facilities located 10 km North-East of Nipawin,
Total views: 447
Total views: 447
Help Wanted
Grysiuk Apiary Inc. requires 11 full time seasonal apiarists in Argyle,MB. wages are $15.80 - $18.00 per hour depending on experience(possible bonus) Job is physically demanding,
Total views: 295
Total views: 295
Poelman Apiaries Ltd requires workers for 2025 Season
Fifteen APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 84120) with a minimum of 2-3 years (seasons) experience working on a Canadian style commercial apiary in the min.
Total views: 229
Price: $ 50.00
Total views: 229
Price: $ 50.00
Vancouver Island Bee Supply Business for Sale
Lucarative Bee Supply Business for Sale on Vancouver Island. Our farm is also for sale. 11.6 acres. Located in the Cowichan Valley.
Total views: 127
Price: $ 1.00
Total views: 127
Price: $ 1.00
Viking honey pump & Flail chain uncapper for sale Calgary, AB
Silver Queen style Ralph Belt built flail chain uncapper - $3,000
1.5" Viking honey pump with forward and reverse - $1,800
Call Neil for details
Total views: 98
Total views: 98
Help Wanted - TEES BEES INC. (Alberta) 2025
TEES BEES INC. requires:
Three APIARY TECHNICIANS (NOC 84120) with a minimum of 2-3 years (seasons) experience working on a Canadian style commercial apiary in the min.
Total views: 392
Total views: 392
Nucs for Sale
5 Frame nucs $300/each available beginning first week in May.
We are willing to make them in your equipment or our own.
Total views: 64
Price: $ 300.00
Total views: 64
Price: $ 300.00
Lyson Honey Extractor + sump + table
56 frames Lyson Honey extractor $5000, 1500 mm Lyson unheated sump $1200, 1500 mm Lyson uncaping table $1000.
Used for just 2 seasons,
Total views: 103
Total views: 103