Health Canada’s Food and Nutrition Highlights 2020/Faits saillants sur l’alimentation et la nutrition 2020
Health Canada’s Food and Nutrition Highlights 2020/Faits saillants sur l’alimentation et la nutrition 2020 Food and Nutrition Highlights 2020 – Faits saillants sur l’alimentation et la nutrition 2020 – Dear Stakeholders, We are pleased to inform you…
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CFIA and Regulatory Reviews (Round 2) / ACIA et les examens réglementaires (2e série)
CFIA and Regulatory Reviews (Round 2) / ACIA et les examens réglementaires (2e série) (Le français suit) The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is committed to making its regulatory system more agile, transparent, and responsive to support growth in the…
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Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) 46th Session | La 46e session du Comité du Codex sur l’étiquetage des denrées alimentaires (CCFL)
The Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) 46th Session will be held virtually from September 27 to October 1, 2021. As you may know, Canada is the host country for this Committee. We would like to ensure that food industry…
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Next Policy Framework (NPF)/prochain cadre stratégique (PCS)
Thank you again for your participation in our engagement sessions on the Next Policy Framework (NPF). As follow up information, please find attached the presentation on the NPF Policy Statement. For future updates on NPF development, please consult our webpage:…
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Publication of the Re-evaluation Decision Document RVD2021-05, Imidacloprid and Its Associated End-use Products/ Publication de la décision de réévaluation RVD2021-05, Imidaclopride et préparations commerciales connexes
Publication of the Re-evaluation Decision Document RVD2021-05, Imidacloprid and Its Associated End-use Products/ Publication de la décision de réévaluation RVD2021-05, Imidaclopride et préparations commerciales connexes The re-evaluation decision for imidacloprid (RVD2021-05, Imidacloprid and Its Associated End-use Products) is now…
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A Blueprint for Imports: share your thoughts / Un plan directeur pour les importations : partagez vos idées
Le texte français suit le texte anglais. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency wants your feedback as it embarks on an Import Revitalization Project. The Project will help adapt our import programs to respond to: changing industry requirements modern tools and…
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Health Canada Webinar: Overview of Special Review Decisions on Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam / Webinaire de Santé Canada : Le point sur les décisions d’examen spécial concernant la clothianidine et le thiaméthoxame
Health Canada Webinar: Overview of Special Review Decisions on Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam / Webinaire de Santé Canada : Le point sur les décisions d’examen spécial concernant la clothianidine et le thiaméthoxame Le français suit Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory…
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Product Launch Analysis – Honey as an ingredient in Canada/Analyse des lancements de nouveaux produits – Le miel utilisé comme ingrédient au Canada
COVID-19 cost Canadian farmers $2.9B due to labour shortages/La COVID-19 a coûté 2,9 G$ aux agriculteurs canadiens en raison des pénuries de main-d’oeuvre (CAHRC News Release / CCRHA Communiqué)
COVID-19 cost Canadian farmers $2.9B due to labour shortages/La COVID-19 a coûté 2,9 G$ aux agriculteurs canadiens en raison des pénuries de main-d’oeuvre (CAHRC News Release / CCRHA Communiqué) 6Apr2021 – NewsRelease – COVID-19 costs Canadian farmers $2.9B due to…
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CFIA launches expanded virtual assistant / L’ACIA lance un assistant virtuel élargi
CFIA launches expanded virtual assistant / L’ACIA lance un assistant virtuel élargi (Le français suit) The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has launched an expanded virtual assistant to help industry and consumers better self-serve and find key information, tools…
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